Isn't that what the "Fast Forward" button was made for ?
Unfortunately, during the classic period of French films there were less films made just for for lesbians. One can understand the economics of the production company wanting to cater to the largest audience. I assume they figured bisexual women would not object, and "gold star" lesbians would hit the la télécommande (remote control).
Et bien moi je suis pas contre que Brigitte lahaie face mon éducation sexuelle même à sont age actuel donc si par chance elle lisait ce message je suis à son entière disposition pour être sont éleve pour tout découvrir en matière de sexe.
Unfortunately, during the classic period of French films there were less films made just for for lesbians. One can understand the economics of the production company wanting to cater to the largest audience. I assume they figured bisexual women would not object, and "gold star" lesbians would hit the la télécommande (remote control).