GearedUp FDNY FFireFFighter nusrsin on his FFireplug's nips sorta like pump conneXXXionSS sorta what gonna save hiz liFFe,.. These SStudSS are outta FFuKKKin kontrol. 9-1-1 cant help'em. FFireplug gonna scour ot da FFireMann's SShitChute. FFire an SSault on FFireMann's cock. FFireMann reciprocatin. WHITE ALPHASS dominatin da FFuKKKin scene. FfiXXXin ta impregnate a bottom makin more of TheirOwnKind. OnlyOneBull will carry the SSeed. BunKKKerBootSS might make a dif. You bettin sweetheart? Whaddya know '.bout mannly SShit?? (Bypass da fuKKKin plastic, sweetheart) ... Dont touch yer worthless meat, bitch! Any more useless questions, sweetpea?